DM Weil

artist, gallerist, entrepreneur.


DM was born in New York City and grew up in the Bronx. Her earliest memories are of sitting at the kitchen table drawing for hours. a maven of artistic ability, a published songwriter and A member of BMI, DM WEIL HAS A BACKGROUND IN FINE ART, MUSIC, & DESIGN. Through the years, DM Weil’s artistic urges led to forays in BOTH photography and interior design, yet the impulse to paint remained strong. In 2001 she built a studio in the mountains of New Paltz new york which began a two year period of intense experimentation during which she discovered an affinity for acrylics.

Following in the tradition of other successful self-taught artists, DM Weil’s work captures the raw energy that flows from an artistic spirit unencumbered by the need to adhere to the rules of the art world.

in 2010 dM broke ground on 3,000 soho inspired square feet in picturesque New Paltz, NY. Since the very first day it has garnered praise from tourists & locals alike, and listed amongst top attractions on Tripadvisor in the area.

In 2013 DM formed the GOST art tour and persuaded several other local artists to join her in showing the talent that resides in Gardiner, NY. It has now grown to 21+ artists in 16+ locations drawing hundreds of visitors to the area twice a year, DM Weil Gallery remains the headquarters for the tour.

DM Weil believes in giving thanks for the privilege of spending her time creating art, and has donated portions of proceeds from her work to Manger-Weil House, an Ethiopian orphanage that she, her family helped to start.